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FACE TO FACE offers a range of education and training experiences that have value across a number of industry sectors. Whilst Aged Care, Health, Education and Mental Health may predominate, FACE TO FACE training will prove valuable in a number of other sectors including local government, community services generally and to public as well as non-government community and social service-related organisations.

FACE TO FACE workshops address many of the professional issues confronted by health and aged care workers in residential, acute and communuity setttings including; issues in restraint, elder abuse, management of challenging behaviours, professional boundaries etc.



Staff from Emergency services, Local Council, Library, Volunteer, social support services, adult educators and trainers, employment services, sports and social clubs, security services and other home and community based service organisations will find a FACE TO FACE workshop to meet their needs in working with the public and their own staff around mental health concerns. Evidence shows that every dollar spent on mental health in your  organisation will save you twofold in the longer term


ANDY KELLY of FACE TO FACE provides consultancy and training designed to assist organisations and people to feel and become more willing, confident and competent in working with individuals who have formal or informal mental disorder.  In doing so he develops people who will increase an individual's access to, and benefit from, health and support services.

FACE TO FACE presents workshops focused on specific skill sets such as Mental Health First Aid, mental state assessment, conducting effective case conferences, responding to suicide and self harm etc

FACE TO FACE also conducts workshops on common professional issues such as Elder Abuse, Restraint, professional boundaries etc.


Sick of spending hours and hours on resolving clinical behavioural concerns? Looking for someone to consult about mental health considerations in your program or project?

FACE TO FACE can guide you or your team in mental health-related projects or planning.  We can also teach processes to assist your staff to respond more effectively and respectfully to individuals presenting with possible mental health and behavioural issues.


ANDY KELLY has recognised expertise in clinical problem solving around complex and challenging client behaviours.

A consultancy will assist you, your staff or your team to find an effective and efficient way to respond to challenges produced by your relationship with specific individuals



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